About Me
Hello there! My name is Hannah Bleckenwegner, psychotherapist in training under supervision
After a year abroad in France, I first studied Translation Studies with English, German and French in Vienna. I then completed my Master's degree in International Relations in England, which is why I now offer therapy in German and English. Back in Vienna, I started my psychotherapy training and decided to specialise in Individual Psychology at the University of Vienna. Due to my experience of living and working in different countries, I understand the challenges that come with moving between cultures. Other important focal points of my work are the search for identity, both in adolescence and adulthood, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and psychosomatic problems, often without a diagnosed physical cause. This area was particularly present in my work in the nursing home as well as in the psychosomatic clinic in Eggenburg and causes great suffering for those affected and the feeling of not being understood or taken seriously.
Training & Experience
- Since 2024: Psychotherapist in training under supervision in own practice
- 2024: Library cataloguing (Die Boje)
- 2023: SFU outpatient clinic (Fachspezifikum)
- 2022: Psychosomatic Clinic Eggenburg (Fachspezifikum)
- Since 2022: Psychotherapeutic specialisation (Fachspezifikum) in Individual Psychology (ÖVIP)
- Since 2022: MSc Psychology (University of Derby)
- 2021/22: Nursing Home Maimonides Zentrum (Propädeutikum)
- 2021: Organisation You are Welcome (Propädeutikum)
- 2021-2023: Editor of the journal JRAT (University of Vienna)
- 2020-2022: Psychotherapeutic propaedeutic programme (pro mente Academy)
- 2019-2020: Education management (pro mente Academy)
- 2017-2019: MSc International Relations (Kingston University London)
- 2011-2015: BA Intercultural Communication (University of Vienna)
I have the following memberships:
Austrian Association of Individual Psychology (OEVIP), Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy (ÖBVP), Psychotherapeutic on-call service (PTBD);
What does psychotherapist in training under supervision mean?
I have acquired my professional licence and all the associated skills. To ensure the quality of my independent work, I am in training therapy and am regularly supervised by very experienced colleagues. At present, it is not yet possible to offer partial reimbursement from health insurance companies, which is why the rates are kept lower.